skyland worship

At Skyland Baptist Church, we believe that genuine and heartfelt worship is essential to the health of the believer and the local church. As followers of Christ, we are to present ourselves as living sacrifices: bearers of the joy that has been given us by God through salvation. This joy is made manifest as we come together as a body, join voices and hearts, and sing the truth of who Jesus is, what He did, and what He is going to do.

We sing old songs, new songs, and songs that we write. Our style adapts constantly - we want to be inclusive of each musical gift that the church has! Here's a playlist of

a few songs that we sing regularly.

For more information on how you can get involved in the worship ministry at Skyland, head over to our Serve Teams page, or email Pastor Josh.

skyland media

At Skyland, we believe in using the gifting of our people to the fullest extent possible in service of the Kingdom. We are constantly looking for ways to be on the cutting edge of creativity, particularly in our media department.

Our video, audio, and social media ministries have grown tremendously over the past few years, and we have many areas for creatively and technically-minded people to get plugged in.

For more information about the media ministry, reach out to Pastor Josh, or check out our serve teams.